POIETO is shaping the future of creative and responsible AI.
'Sympoiesis' (making-with) + 'Ethos' (character)
POIETO PROJECTS cultivates sympoiesis (“making-with”) and ethos (“character”) in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. We connect artists, researchers, and technologists across communities, equipping them with knowledge and tools to shape the future of creative and responsible AI. Our federated approach enables localized, private learning while facilitating shared presence that transcends physical boundaries. Resulting projects disrupt traditional distinctions between viewer, artist, and artwork, blurring the lines between interaction, participation, and creation.
Contextual Normalcy: Animating Kindness
Contextual Normalcy is a sequence of participatory AI Research projects in which we use artificial intelligence and crowd-sourced data to explore knowing through feeling. This sequence, Animating Kindness, is a traveling installation that absorbs multimodal definitions of kindness from around the world.
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Transforming Transmissions
Transforming Transmissions is a generative sound sculpture that addresses urgent issues such as ownership, copyright and consent. This project explores AI and communication through the dynamic evolution of sounds as they move from transmission to reception, evolving within a generative sound system. How is the message distorted by transmission and how does this change our understanding of ownership, copyright and creativity?
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Art Search
Art Search frames ML and facial recognition as both artifacts and as archaeological tools. Using phenotypic matching the project explores bias in existing computer vision systems like DeepFace, while continuing to craft and source its own archival training data.
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